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Traditional Photography

I'm not much of a "traditional photographer," in the strictist sense.   I fancy myself as more of an artist, so real life or journalistic photography isn't what you will typically see here.   I like to take an image to what I see in my mind.  My imagination. 

All that means is, yes, I process images and enhance them until I'm happy with what I see.  More often than not, the resulting images are a good representation of what you might see, but turned up to 11.


This site is starting off slowly, but rest assured, there's more to come.


Under the Pier

Under the Pier

A 30 second exposure shot from under the Santa Monica Pier.

Gritty Moon

Gritty Moon

Lori Lee and I were out in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs Colorado. We looked up and saw this moon. The lower clouds are lit by the city lights. The upper clouds are illuminated by the moon. This is pretty close to what we saw out there.

Shadows on an Escalator

Shadows on an Escalator

On every trip, you just gotta shop. While in a major mall in Colorado Springs, we took some time and rode the escalator. At that particular time of day, these were some fun shadows to play with.

Arches NP Cell Phone Pano

Arches NP Cell Phone Pano

This image was captured using the panoramic feature of my Galaxy s4 on our way through Arches National Park. Stitched together in Photoshop and enhanced a bit in Nik software (now owned by Google).

Match Triptic

Match Triptic

I came across an ad in a magazine that was a simple match in mid-ignite. I thought that was a particularly captivating image, so wanted to see what I could do with that concept.

© 2014 Matthew Roddy

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