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Magazine Covers

Walt Noon and I have been collaborating on covers for the "hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experimenter."  This is a perfect fit for the natural-born inventor.  Walt's imagination and hard work often land him on the cover is this much vaunted magazine.  When he does, inveriably, he asks me to create a cover image to support his article.  Below are several we've done over the last decade and a half.

To learn more about each article, click on the image and follow the link(s).

1999-09 Madd Mike

1999-09 Madd Mike

This was a full 3D set I designed in (I believe) Newtek's, "Lightwave." An early version, back when I was learning the software. Madd Mike was originally created to be a spokesperson for a car dealership. He was a zany guy who ran around the dealership slashing prices. His commercials ran for about a year. The dealership changed management and shelved him, opting instead for a more "neighborly" approach. To add insult to injury, he has been lost in a computer meltdown with no backup.

2002-09 Halloween

2002-09 Halloween

Built in early 2000, this robot is still in the field working. Built by Walt Noon, he dances and entertains audiences, but he now has a new face and name - DemiGod.

2011-04 Zoetrope

2011-04 Zoetrope

Zoetropes were popular before movies were made possible. I had been thinking how to make one of these full scale and mentioned this to inventor and magician, Walt Noon. In no time at all, he had researched how to make one and came up with his own method. The model shown doing a fun strip-tease is the very talented actress and model, Victoria Masina.

2012-02 Battery

2012-02 Battery

Walt Noon has been researching batteries and how to make them last "forever." He has seem examples of batteries that were created by Thomas Edison that still work to this day, so Walt was looking for a way to find energy that will never die.

2012-03 Perplexer

2012-03 Perplexer

Free Energy? Walt Noon designed and created a device just doesn't behave according to traditional laws of physics.

2012-09 Hight Voltage Halloween

2012-09 Hight Voltage Halloween

Another article by Walt Noon, this one is shows how to make a Van de Graff generator. The levitating model is none other than his daughter, Anais Noon.

2014-04 Flight Simulator

2014-04 Flight Simulator

Walt Noon strikes again with his high-flying flight simulator. With almost 180 degrees of pitch, this one will nearly stand you on your head. It makes flying dynamically real. The model here is the mulch-talented, Shauna Toerner. Click the link below to see more and hire her for your next project: Nuts and Volts cropped my original image, so I created my own mockup of their cover. Be sure to check out the original.

© 2014 Matthew Roddy

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